How do you spell Cut

Correct spelling Cut:

Walk and Earn

Letters count: 3

Word contains letters: C, U, T

Cut synonyms

Abbreviate Abridge
Baseball swing
Bring down
Cold shoulder
Contract Curve
Cut back
Cut down
Cut of meat
Cut off
Cutting off
Deletion Dilute Disregard Edit
Edit out
Emasculated Excision Foreshorten Gash Geld Gelded Hack Ignore Issue
Make out
Mown Prune Rationalise Rationalize Reduce Sheer Shorten Shortened Skip Slash Slashed Slew Slice Slue Snub Stinger Swerve Swing
Switch off
Tailor Thin
Thin out
Thinned Track Trend Trim
Trim back
Trim down
Turn off
Turn out
Undercut Veer Weakened
Write out